I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 102 – Timbeeeeeeeeeeeer!

Chapter 102 – Timbeeeeeeeeeeeer!

I wake up to a sensation that is already plenty familiar to me. The small pressure weighing down my chest as it moves up and down during my breathing accompanies quite a few of my mornings recently. And the two soft objects squished into my warm skin give no doubts about it either.

Opening my eyes, I expect to find Teffith on top of me but the actual sight surprises me a little. It's not the dragonewt who peacefully sleeps on my chest but our Wood Elf Tracker, blissfully snuggled to my neck with her beautiful face. Her golden hair flows down around it in a mesmerizing way.

Glancing to the side, I find Teffith hugging my arm and already awake. She shows a small smile.

“I didn’t expect her to climb on you either, Alastair. I still remember both of us falling asleep by your sides.”

“Morning, Teff.” I brush a mischievous strand of hair behind her ear. “Would you like to be in her place instead?”

“Teff, hm? That’s a first. But, I don’t dislike it. It has a nice ring to it.” Her smile grows a bit more.

“I hope I’m not getting too familiar with you after we spent one night together.”

She gently shakes her head, as much as lying on her side allows it, and leans a bit closer to peck my lips.

“We have known each other for much longer than that, haven’t we? I was a little opposed to this for most of the time but if you really don’t mind my ulterior motives then I would be glad for you to have me.”

“I’m fairly sure you wouldn’t be such a sweet and understanding girl if it was only that.” I kiss her back. “I’ll make you so strong Garrena won’t be able to make you budge.”

Teffith chuckles quietly as we stare at each other. Faint rustling noise accompanied by an adorable yawn captures our attention and we watch how the sleepy elf slowly leaves the land of dreams while rubbing her eyes.

Opening them, Ghilerie looks at me with a slightly absent gaze for a moment. They widen in flash and a tinge of rosiness covers her cheeks after she realizes our position.

“Morning. Did my Sleeping Elf Princess have a good rest?” I ask with a smirk.

I’ve expected Ghilerie to get all flustered but she slowly lifts herself up to sit on my waist while covering her magnificent breasts with her arm. She looks away with slight embarrassment but handles herself pretty calmly.

“Y-Yes, thank you. Sorry for falling asleep on you.”

Ignoring her words of apology, I reach out and trace over her slim belly with my fingers. Ghilerie shivers faintly and turns her face to me.

“You are so gorgeous…” I whisper while adoring the exquisite figure in front of me.

I hear Teffith chuckle on my side and I glance up, catching the tips of Ghilerie’s ears turning full crimson. She unhurriedly moves her arm away and displays her alluring chest to me, which naturally attracts my gaze instantly.

She places her hand on my abdomen and brushes over it with her palm. “You are not so bad either… For a Human…”

I grin at her and sit up to bring us to the same level, more or less, and leave a quick peck on her supple lips.

“Thank you for the compliment. Remember just one thing, don’t feel anxious about us because you are now my registered Partner, okay? I can now sense some of your thoughts. If it will make you feel more at ease, just treat me like a long-distance boyfriend. Or even a friend with benefits. Just don’t overthink it too much.”

Ghilerie nods after a brief moment of us just looking each other in the eyes. She then gasps adorably and glances back over her shoulder, noticing something hitting her butt.

“I can’t believe it’s still so lively after all we have done…” she comments in awe.

I snicker a little. “It’s morning so that’s natural.”

Teffith raises herself by our side. “Would you like me to take care of it?”

I take in the sight of her dazzling crimson scales for a few seconds before shaking my head. “No need. You girls know that it would change nothing as it can still stand strong for hours if not days. But, I appreciate the gesture. As for the body, how are you feeling, Ghilerie? Things have gotten pretty intense near the end.”

The elf beauty blushes a little. “I’m fine. Just a little bit sore, perhaps. But, I’ve been worse.”

I nod and place my palm on her toned stomach. She watches me curiously and soon releases a delightful sigh as I activate Rejuvenate and my warm energy spreads through her insides. She bits her lower lip gently while filling the air with a quiet, long, pleasurable groan.

Finishing the treatment, I turn to Teffith and she scoots closer without me having to utter a word, allowing me to repeat the process for her too.

“Better now?” I ask.

“That’s actually incredible,” Ghilerie exclaims in awe.

“It’s as shocking as always, no matter how many times I experience it,” Teffith comments.

I playfully shrug my shoulders. “Perks of being a Sexmancer, I guess.”

They glance at each other and giggle together. We then rise and dress up to leave the tent. Outside, the others are enjoying a meal prepared by Marcia. She waves at us with a wide smile and we join them for breakfast.

As we are consuming our respective portions, I catch Kamil sending me some occasional, weird glances, causing me to smile wryly. Considering that we literally spent almost the whole night getting to know each other better, it’s safe to assume that some portion of that happened during his night shift, and we didn’t turn off the lantern as Teffith had suggested.

We discuss our plan of action while eating and sitting in groups split by gender. Girls huddle up together and often chat happily amongst themselves, of course, led by the always enthusiastic redhead, while we exchange just a few words from time to time.

The entrance to the Barren Valley is right in front of us and we should reach it in around an hour or two after we pack up. I mention what I know about possible monsters and beasts we can encounter while passing through it to let Paul’s strategic mind start assimilating that information already and work on our tactics and strategies. From what I've heard, he’s quick to react and come up with a plan on hand.


Marcia moans openly as she stretches after she finishes eating, disregarding everyone’s presence. We are all used to her very unrestrained way of being so it doesn’t really bother anyone.

“Man. We’ve been on the run for days now. I’m so damn sweaty. I would kill for a good bath. Shame we had to avoid all the towns until now. I hope the one on the other end of this valley has a giant public bathhouse. Can you do your magical cleaning trick on me, Nat?”

“Ummm… Actually…” Shino quietly butts in and we all glance at her. “I did some scouting after waking up and there’s a shallow river not that far from here…”

Marcia’s eyes shine in excitement. “That’s so perfect! I fucking love you, shortie!” 

She hugs Shino tightly to her bountiful chest. The two of us make eye contact and I can clearly spell ‘save me’ from hers. Chuckling to myself, I speak up.

“I’m sure we all would agree a short dip to refresh ourselves is a great idea. Let’s pack things up and move there. Ladies first. We will stand watch while you enjoy your time, making sure that no random monster pops up from nowhere.”

“Awwwwww! You are so sweet!” Marcia purrs at me, releasing Shino from her clutches. “You heard the man! Fuck gender equality, being a girl is the best!”

We all laugh a little, knowing that back at home, the whole gender equality was usually related to slightly different areas of life, but Marcia has her own take on it as always. Since she’s brimming with energy, we don’t dilly-dally and wrap things up fast.

Shino leads us to the riverbank and we take a deep breath, taking in the calming and refreshing ambience this impressive glade emanates. The water is crystal clear without a sign of pollution, letting us gaze at the lovely riverbed made of countless flat stones in various shades of grey.

We leave the horses and all our stuff with the girls and our male half of the party spreads out in different directions to make sure they can safely take a dip with no surprises. I head towards the west and stop after I can’t hear them anymore.

Thanks to my sharpened senses, high stats, and plenty of training with my amazing girls, I’m able to easily perceive everything in the distance between me and the river. I could even expand my coverage a bit and possibly take a little peek at them but I’m not that kind of man. Why would I do something so silly when my wives or girls would be thrilled to make a show for me if I asked?

A quiet snap of a dry branch not that far from the river brings me out of my thoughts and I immediately focus on it, getting a little anxious at the fact that something managed to get that close without me noticing. 

But, just a moment later, I realize that the cause of that sound is actually moving towards me. After it takes a few more steps, my senses report with complete certainty that it’s a person. When they move closer, I peek over the side of the tree I’ve been leaning on and raise a brow at the sight.

Unexpectedly, Marcia is walking my way while looking around. She spots my face amongst the trees and grins, increasing the speed of her steps. As she covers the distance separating us, her robust chest heaves up and down, bouncing around inside the sports bra she is wearing. That and skin-tight shorts is all she has on. Droplets of water sparkle over her strongly tanned skin.

“Finally found you! You are damn good at hiding your presence!” she says after reaching me.

“Well, I had a few great teachers.” I chuckle. “Did something happen?”

Her smile grows wider and she plants her palm on the bark of the tree behind me while stepping closer. “More like, something didn’t happen.”

I immediately pick up on the mischievous glint in her emerald eyes and things become obvious in a blink. She notices that I caught on and presses herself into me, squishing her impressive bosom into my chest while throwing her wavy crimson locks behind her back to uncover more of her shoulders. My eyes involuntarily jump towards the created cleavage.

“Like what you see?” She giggles. “Want to have a peek inside?”

“You do realize everyone is just a stone throw from here, right?” I smile wryly.

“Yet you have walked quite a bit further away from the river than all the other guys. I’m sure it was for a good reason.” She snickers while trailing a finger over my chest.

“Yeah. To give you girls some space and privacy.”

“What a fine gentleman,” she coos. “They often make the most passionate lovers, you know?”

“I don’t mind your playful teases but I think you should make full use of this opportunity. We don’t know when another one will show up in that desert-like land.”

“I know and I’m doing exactly that. It would be a shame to waste such a perfect opportunity they have presented me with.” She bats her eyelashes at me.

“Time isn’t exactly in our favour and I’m sure you would hate to rush things. The girls will soon finish and everyone will notice the two of us missing.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. We talked a little and they will make sure to enjoy themselves to the fullest back there. And I’m sure Shino would love to have a long chat about last night with your charming companions.”

“But, of course.” I shake my head with a chuckle. “You should be enjoying yourself with them too. Shino brought this up specifically for you.”

“Oh, I know that too. She played her role perfectly. Leave it to the shortie to come up with such an elaborate plan. She even predicted you going further than the others.”

“What?” I furrow my brows while blinking a few times.

Now that she has said it, I start noticing a few small details in Shino’s expressions and behaviour that seem a bit awkward and unusual. I disregarded them initially, thinking she was a bit shy about the last night, but she was nervous for a different reason, which is a refined plan to get her friend laid.

Marcia releases a lively chuckle. “Got you good, didn’t she? I already owe her so much and the pile just keeps increasing. Anyway, you don’t have to worry about anything. All the girls know exactly what’s going on. So? Would you like to explore something more than just this forest?”

“Right here? In the open?”

“Doesn’t the thought of wild outdoor sex make you even more excited?” she asks with a feral glint in her eyes and a wide smile. “Come on. You’ve done so much for me already. I love those toys you’ve given me so much. And that little plate to silence the surroundings is perfect. I can go wild every night and no one knows. You should see Shino’s face when I ask her to bring out the bigger ones for me.” Marcia laughs openly.

I roll my eyes and smile. “Please, don’t bully Shino too much.”

“I won’t. She’s too precious. And so are you. I really want to thank you properly. Well, that and I really want to finally get fucked by your legendary cock. But, only if you agree, of course. Will you? Or should I head back?”

I catch a bit of sadness in Marcia’s gaze but there’s no doubt she would leave without taking it against me. She’s always been like that. Straightforward and open, very playful and seductive, but understanding and respectful. I met a few of her male friends back at our school. They never said a bad word about her and all of them knew exactly what they were signing up for. No small print.

Well, it’s not that I’m against it or anything and I did promise both her and Shino already. All the recent chaos and the girls visiting me during the night, especially a certain samurai girl, delayed our meeting a bit. Marcia could have even joined Teffith and Ghilerie but decided to wait patiently. It would be rude if I told her to wait even longer and I guess she could use a little boost before we head in.

With a playful smirk, which makes her raise a brow at me, I spin us around and push Marcia against the tree this time, evoking a giggling squeal for her. My right hand moves to cup her chin up and support it while my left sensually traces over her exposed thigh.

“You have been really looking forward to this, haven’t you?” I ask in a sultry tone.

“Yesssssssssssss… Fuck meeeeee…” she purrs at me while wriggling in my grasp.

“I assume you are fine joining my Partners?” I throw a prompt at her.

She answers it in a blink and it takes me a few seconds to register that fact while she stares at me with a wide smile. I respond with the same.

My fingers traverse over the material of her shorts and arrive at her slim tummy. She peers deep into my eyes, her smile widening more and more as they descend lower and dive into her panties. Passing through a ticklish patch of hair, they finally reach the sacred mound and I let my middle finger make a few circles around her hot labia.

“Ohhhhhhh, Yesssssssssssssssssss… Mhnnnnnnnnnnnn…” Marcia sighs at me amorously.

She releases a quiet whimper when I recall my hand and bring it between our faces. I rub my thumb and middle finger together as we both glance at the slightly slimy substance covering their tips.

“Hmmm… I don’t think that’s water…” I ponder playfully.

She showcases her perfectly white teeth to me in a feral smile and chomps at me seductively.

“I’m so fucking wet for you, Al... I’ll drown your dick in pussy juice the moment you shove it in… Come on… Fuck me good… Use me…”

I lean forward and she lunges at my lips after figuring out my intentions, pulling me into a wild kiss. She wastes no time to ferociously assault my mouth, pushing her tongue in from the very start, beginning to explore my insides like a parched animal. 

Obviously, I stand my ground and even show a bit of dominance, pushing her back strong enough for Marcia’s head to bump into the tree and causing her to moan into my lips. She is strong but she is no match for me.

We cop a feel of each other while continuing this feral exchange. She slides her hands under my clothes to graze over the muscles on my abdomen and chest while I rub and squeeze her beguiling waist and bubbly but. To make it a little easier for Marcia, I shove everything except for my shorts into my storage ring, giving her easier access to my skin.

She doesn’t show any signs of stopping so I break our battle first and watch her chase after my escaping lips with yearning. Marcia then shows a wide smile and alluringly angles her head.

“Show me how good you are… Show me what a Sexmancer can do… Make me cum buckets…”

“With pleasure.”

I start heading down while leaving a trail of sucky kisses over her skin. Marcia squeals in delight, realizing what’s coming. On my way to her shorts, I don’t forget to place Hall of Serenity somewhere on the bark behind her. We might be far from their sight but our surroundings are anything but suppressive to the sounds of violent clapping that might soon fill the air.

With the black material in front of my face, I wedge my fingers behind Marcia’s panties and slowly pull them down, allowing her to temptingly wiggle her butt to help me. A lush and tidy dark ginger bush enters my sight, decorating the land above her slightly parted feminine crevice.

I rub my nose into the twirly carpet while passing it, evoking a shaky giggle from Marcia. A slightly floral, natural scent fills my lungs. She might have not spent a lot of time with the girls at the river, but she certainly made sure to take care of herself thoroughly and it’s noticeable.

Without delaying it, I pass the crimson forest and plant a kiss at Marcia’s humid lower lips from below. She releases a faint gasp into the air and leaves her mouth open.

“Mmmm… You really are a fine gentleman, opening with a little bit of service without being asked… Guys usually demand to be sucked first…”

I chuckle into her folds, causing another sigh to escape her lips. “You might want to grab onto something.”

“Hm? Who do you think I a—ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy…”

My tongue dives into her wet tunnel before she manages to finish her sentence and I immediately start tickling the upper part of her internal walls. Marcia’s hands shoot to my hair in an instant and she trembles lightly.

“Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhh… Looks like you know some gooooooooood spots…”

This time, I don’t answer but fully focus my attention on her charming pink lily. Marcia keeps releasing fully open moans of pleasure as I go through various cycles of actions and movements to keep her sensations always fresh.

First, I focus on applying some pressure and circular rubbing on that upper spot for a few laps. Then, I pull my tongue back and caress her entrance from the bottom to the top, barely tickling that little shy pearl slowly turning more erect. With a gentle parting kiss to it, I plunge my muscle back into her uneven tunnel to assault a few other places inside, of course, never forgetting to brush my lips against her delicate flesh too.

“Fuuuuuuuuuck… You really know what you are doing… Mhhhhhmmmmmmm…”

Knowing that it’s just the beginning, I chuckle internally. Under my passionate caresses, Marcia keeps releasing musical moans but also slowly regathers her composure from the initial surprise when she has been taken off guard. 

She moves her hands to her chest and flings her sports bra off over her head, causing it to catch onto some random branch above us. Glancing up after not seeing it fall, she notices what happened and giggles cutely amongst the sighs of pleasure.

Oh well. We’ll somehow get it down later.

While enjoying my tongue exploring her leaking snatch with increasing intensity, Marcia starts rubbing her breasts and occasionally twirling her nipples between her fingers as I watch from below. She smiles at me gorgeously, clearly telling me to enjoy the view.

“Ohhhhhh… Mmmmmm… Just like that… Bring me up, baby… Mhhhhhhmmmm… Bit by bit…”

I withdraw my lips for a brief moment, using my moistened thumb to gently rub her clit in the meanwhile.

“I warned you.”

“Wha—hooooooooooooooooolllllllllllyyyyyyyyyy fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!”

The moment I shove my tongue into her delicious honeypot again, with some extra spice in the form of condensed mana on its tip this time, Marcia’s eyes bulge out from shock and she violently bends forward while her thighs slap my cheeks in an attempt to suffocate me. She releases a loud scream into the open air as her whole body trembles like jello which gets continuously slapped with no end in sight.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Ahhhhnnnnnnnnnnn!”

She orgasms in no time since she has been slowly approaching her peak already and my mana-boosted tickles push her pleasure meters off the charts in a blink. I can feel her convulsing vagina clamp on my tongue as she keeps cumming. I tone it down a little but still keep rolling my muscle inside her lewd hole.

Near the end of her high, still moaning fervently and shivering, Marcia finally takes my advice seriously and slams her back into the tree, quickly shooting her right hand up to grab it above her head and her left down behind her butt. She pulls her body into the bark as much as she can while her chest heaves up and down from her intense panting.

“Don’t stop! Ahhhhnnn! Keep going!”

Receiving such a lively green light, I step up my game and start putting more effort into assaulting her bewitching slit. I push my lips into her folds repeatedly, smooshing her labia with them as I dive deep into her depths with my tongue. With its enhanced tip, I caress her warm and wet passage all around, reaching far and then pulling back as it grazes over her walls.

“Yessssssss! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh! Dig that pussy like a fucking jar of Nutella! Ohhhhhhh, fuuuuuuuuuck!”

I snicker internally at her words. It’s not like I often get a chance to please a girl back from Earth. It makes me wonder what other colourful cries she has in store. A person with such a vibrant personality must have an adequately vivid vocabulary.

Just as she wishes, I try my best to bring a mental image of the mentioned action and recreate the movements with my tongue. It starts repeatedly going in and out of her fine chamber while ferociously scooping out the nonexistent chocolate from the pink container filled with love nectar instead. Marcia keeps shaking the whole time, not stopping for even a second after her first orgasm.

“That’s it! Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Fuck! Fuck! Ahhhh! I’m cumming againnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!”

She explodes again and enters a wave of much stronger shivers that rock her whole body so much it bangs into the tree repeatedly as she clenches her teeth with incredible force and holds onto the bark to not fly off to the heavens. A few trickles of warm liquid escape her lower lips as I still keep tongue-fucking that pussy.

After around ten long seconds of a silent scream that gets lost in her tensed throat, Marcia starts slapping my head from above with her left hand and I take it as a signal to ease it up a little and stop before I really help her soul cross over.

One more intense tremble passes through Marcia’s body as I rise up and hug her to the tree, allowing her to relax all her limbs for a moment. She keeps spasming while staring me in the eyes with incredible passion.

“Ohhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyy fuuuuckinnnnnnnng goooood… What was that…?” she finally speaks after somehow calming her heavy panting, still hanging limply in my embrace.

“A Sexmancer’s cunnilingus as requested.” I smirk at her.

She laughs heartily in between the breaths and lays her forehead on my shoulder.

“Fuck me…”

I chuckle. “That comes next.”

She giggles back and we wait a moment for her to regain enough control before we continue. Marcia then leans back onto the tree with her own strength and gazes into my eyes while her hand starts brushing over the heated bulge in my shorts.

“I would love to return the favour but I sooooo need that big, hard, magnificent cock in my tight cunt right fucking now. Please, make a mess out of me.”

With a thought, I get rid of my underwear and my hot erection springs into her hand. Marcia’s eyes sparkle instantly and shoot down to my member as she begins to delicately brush over my whole length with her fingers.

“It’s so pretty…”

“Pretty? That’s an unusual one.” I smile.

“Just looking at it makes me want to shower it in affectionate kisses.”

“Let’s do that later. We should move onto the main dish now.”

“Oh, yesssssss. I agree.”

Marcia giggles and joins her hands behind my neck. We exchange a few quick kisses while my hands roam over the inner side of her soft thighs and stop near her knees. With one swift motion, I swoop her off the ground by raising her legs by the joints and slightly spreading them to the side, opening up Marcia’s inviting pinkish entrance a bit more.

She smiles enticingly as I push her knees by her body and start poking her folds with my glans.

“Come on, shove it in me so hard you will make a nailgun blush!”

This time, I openly burst out laughing while shaking a little, almost slipping myself inside her.

“Hahaha. Do you always use such gaudy analogies?”

She smiles a bit wryly. “Does that bother you?”

“No, not in the slightest. It’s just funny. But I think it suits you.” We chuckle together. “Well, you have waited long enough. Here’s the fuck of your lifetime.”

Before she gets a chance to answer, I thrust my hips forward and pierce through Marcia’s slippery insides in one mighty push, slamming my pelvis into her bottom and our bodies into the tree with a loud echoing slap. Her mouth opens wide as an amorous mix of a gasp and a moan escapes her lips, followed by a single shiver.

“Ffffffffffffuck!” She curses and trembles again. “So hot… So thick… So… gooooood…”

“Enjoy the ride.”

Pulling my waist back, I start hammering her pretty folds with all I have from the get-go. Marcia follows up with fervent moans and cries of pleasure. We both can stare at her exposed privates, spread open and tensed from my hands holding her knees by her sides, getting pistoned by my hard cock repeatedly. Powerful, wet slapping noises permeate through the air and the tree starts shaking from the continued impact. A few leaves fall while spinning around us.

“Ahhh! Ahhh! Fuck! Ahhh! You fuck so good! Ahhh! Ahhh!”

“Ugh... And you are so pleasantly tight… and vocal…”

She giggles in between the moans. “I train… ahhh… my pussy… ahhhh… ahhh lot!”

And as if to prove that, she squeezes me even tighter in a manner that clearly points out her control over the correct muscles. She notices that I noticed and beams at me impishly.

This woman… I’m supposed to fuck her brains out so I better step up my game…

With a grin of my own, I push myself more into her body and switch from strong, full slams into quicker and more shallow thrusts, aiming at specific spots inside her leaking honeypot. It’s immediately met with a proper response as Marcia’s mouth opens wide and her voice rises a level higher.

Her body keeps jerking up and down at a fast pace as I hammer her pussy with my unrelenting rod. Marcia clenches her teeth and cries in pleasure in turns while her hands jump from the tree above her head to my shoulders repeatedly, not knowing where to stay for longer. Her head turns to all sides as she relishes in the intense lovemaking. And I can fully adore her bouncing tanned tits right in front of me.

“Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! This is just someeeeeeeething elseeeeeeeee! Ohhhhhhhhhh!”

She’s so damn vocal and it’s so sexy. I think it’s my first time having sex with someone talking this much and it hits so differently. It kind of makes me want to go even harder to hear more of her shaking voice as she attempts to quickly form words.

I can tell that she has come a little already but still hasn’t entered a full orgasm. Marcia holds herself pretty well. She has great stamina. Naturally, it can’t be compared to mine, but it’s still impressive. I’m going as hard at her as I can without risking hurting her, focusing on her possible best spots.

She takes my cock like a champ and even meets my eyes from time to time to show me more how good she feels. To bring her even higher before she reaches her peak, I spread her legs to the sides as much as I can and lean into her, catching an elusive nipple into my mouth.

“Ahhhhhh! My fucking tit! Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Suck on it! Suck on it! Ahhh!”

She doesn’t have to repeat it twice, or thrice in this case, and I suck on her nipple like my life depends on it. Of course, the primal thrusting never stops and Marcia starts writhing in pleasure in my grasp. If I wasn’t holding onto her legs, I would grab her other breast and give it a good squeeze but you gotta work with what you have.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Ahhhhhh! I’m cumming soon! Ahhhh! Fill! Fill! Fill me up, Al! Ahhhhh!”

“Guh! Take it all, then!”

Feeling her coil around my shaft, I let go of her nipple and push my mouth into Marcia’s at the same moment as I slam my waist into her bottom and shove my cock as deep into her snug tunnel as I can. She moans strongly into my lips while squeezing my twitching dick and spasming herself. A few streams of milky white liquid surge from my tip and flood her furthest depths.

I make a few gentle pumps while unloading fully in Marcia’s hot embrace as she enjoys her peak. I stay inside her until her shivers gradually fade down and she withdraws herself from my mouth. We both breathe heavily in each other's faces.

She smiles at me warmly and I pull myself out of her with a very quiet plop that I’m sure only I notice thanks to my keen hearing. A steady stream of white unhurriedly escapes her lower lips.

“Damn. You released so much. Such a beast. Under normal circumstances, you would have definitely knocked me up.” She giggles while glancing down and rubbing her fingers above her womb.

“Yeah. Fortunately, we don’t have to worry about that.”

She glances at me, slightly surprised. “Shino already told you?”

“What?” I raise a brow at her.

“About me.”

“Uhhh… I’m not sure what you mean.”

“If not then why don't we have to worry about it?” she asks in confusion.

“Because my Class lets me decide if I want to get a girl pregnant?”

Marcia cocks her head back and opens her mouth. “Ah.”

“Seems like she didn’t tell you either. What was that about, then?” I ask, curious what she meant.

I immediately notice Marcia’s mood change into a slightly somber and uncertain one. For a moment, she avoids my gaze but returns to look at me in a few moments.

“It’s just… I’m infertile…”

Even though it has nothing to do with me, my stomach tenses along with the bomb she drops on me. It’s impossible not to feel bad for her and her anxious expression is explained instantly. A few images my brain creates on the fly flash through my mind, showing the heartbroken Marcia in various times and states of depression and I have to blink a few times to force myself not to let any pitiful tears out in front of her.

Fortunately, she seems to take my blinking as pure shock and smiles wryly.

“Damn. I’m sorry to hear that. I apologize if you felt forced to bring that up because I asked.”

She shakes her head. “No. It’s fine. I let my partners know anyway. I would be a bitch to keep something like that to myself. And don’t make that face. I’m long past it already. I’m just always a little worried about how others would react.”

It’s still hard to believe that someone this bright and happy is shouldering such a heavy burden. That thought reminds me of something and I quickly make a few strokes with my fingers over Marcia’s belly. She watches my movements a little confused but doesn’t interrupt them.

After casting Fertility Scan, a little symbol appears on her skin and it’s a negative just like she said. I try to use the spell that changes this state but nothing happens after the light fades out. The symbol remains negative. Just to make sure, I try a few more times but to no avail.

“Alastair?” Marcia speaks up after seeing my tense gaze aimed at her stomach.

“Ah. Sorry. I just had to try something. Give me one more second.”

Not giving up yet, I place my palm over her womb and fuel my Rejuvenate with as much mana as I can. Marcia gasps when immense energy flows into her body, accompanied by a pleasant warmth.

After a few short moments, I withdraw my palm and repeat the state-changing magic. And yet again, the status remains infertile. I sigh heavily and pull up my status window, starting to scroll through my Partners in search of something. Perhaps Elea’s Healing Magic could work.

Marcia gently shakes my shoulder. “Hey, Al. I can tell that you are trying to think of something to help me but it’s okay. I really appreciate it and I will obviously not reject it but I just wanted to say that there’s no rush anywhere.”

I glance at her soft smile and sigh, realizing that I kind of ignored her in the heat of the moment.

“Sorry. It’s just…”

“I get it. You always try to help others when you have the means to. I think it’s really sweet of you. But, I don’t think it will be this simple. We have already tried various Healing Magic at the castle. We came to the conclusion that it can be hard to heal since it’s something that’s been with me since birth.”

“Ah. Genetics it is, then.” I respond to her smile with my own and move a lock of her crimson hair behind her ear.

“Well, not exactly…”

“How so?” I raise my brow. “Ah, please, don’t answer if you don’t want to. We can drop this topic at any moment. I kind of killed the mood with it. Sorry.”

She shakes her head with a wider smile. “It’s good. As for how… You know that my father is a bigshot. Some idiot threw acid at my mom when she was having me. Something must have gone and fucked up back then. Doctors were unable to find a cure.”

“Son of a bitch!”

I throw a light punch at the tree with my fist that has stayed near Marcia’s cheek, causing her to yelp in surprise. Well… I say light but the bark cracks loudly, splintering to the sides, and a deep imprint of a fist remains in the trunk. 

A moment later, the tree starts creaking and cracking and I pull Marcia into a hug while turning around to shield her from any incoming debris from the falling log. The massive trunk lands on the ground with a loud thud, fortunately, still in the range of my Hall of Serenity, which I have quickly expanded in the meantime.

“Wow… You really pack a punch…” Marcia gawks at the obliterated tree.

I chuckle awkwardly. “I’m really sorry…”

“Nah, dude, that was cool!” She beams at me. “And you got angry for me, which makes it even cooler! But… Uhhh… Do you think they heard it?”

“Heard? No. Felt the impact? Ehhhh, possibly.”

“Right. The anti-moan barrier.” She chuckles and I follow. “So… Your magic kind of revitalized my whole body… Do you think they will come or can we…”

“Ahhhhhh, I don’t fucking care!” I grab Marcia by the waist, causing her to squeal in delight and giggle, and throw her over my shoulder. “I killed the mood so I need to fix it like a responsible adult and I can already sense how much you want to get wrecked more.”

I put her down on her back on the fallen log and lean over her body.

“If they want to fucking watch how I nail your wet cunt then let them fucking do so!”

She giggles at me coyly and opens her arms wide. “Shred that pussy, you precious fucking stud!”

And I proceed to do exactly that.

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