Origin Seeker

Chapter 102: Mercenary Empire

Chapter 102: Mercenary Empire

Two days later, 20 class 3's, 1 class 4, and a dozen other people were in the same meeting room.

"Is everyone prepared?"

Magus Idona walked into the room and spoke to everyone. They all nodded.

"Good. Now for the moment of truth. Dream?"

"My ship is currently in the sky, so wherever you wish to exit the city is where I will send it."

"I can open the dome for it. Everyone come out here."

Idona went over to a set of doors that led outside. After walking onto a platform that hung off the side of the Spire, Idona brought out a device and activated it.

Everyone else followed and watched as the protective dome covering the city opened up a large hole. Dream nodded.

"So where is it?"

Everyone looked around, not seeing anything in the sky. They then looked to Dream.

"It's right there."

He pointed up to a streak of light in the sky. Everyone looked at it with questioning gazes.

The streak of light got brighter and then dimmer. Not long after, a black object could be seen in the sky coming toward them.

"...What is that?"

"My ship."

It only took moments for a giant black plane to come into full view. 

Dream had made this VTOL nice and big so it could fit however many people they needed. It had two big jet engines on the wings and also used enchantments to not only move faster, but remove factors like wind resistance. It had a big mana core and a fuel tank, but other than that nothing else took up any space like a cockpit. So he was able to maximize the seating area.

Dream wouldn't usually use jet engines on the planes he made because they took fuel and he would need to be around to refuel it. But because it was for this occasion he wanted the engines to increase speed. He would be there anyway, so why not?

The jet engines roared as the plane turned itself around and lowered its back hatch, steadily setting its stairway up against the platform they were standing on.

"Alright, everyone follow me."

Dream motioned everyone over and walked up the lowered hatch. He went over to a door that led into the plane and held it open for everyone. The first to enter was the Magus.

"Magus Idona."

"Thank you."

She walked through the door, as did the 40 people behind her. Dream nodded to Mara, who was also walking up the hatch with Merlin. When they were all in, the hatch closed and Dream shut the door. All the loud sounds from outside were silenced.

"This is amazing!"

"I've never seen anything like this..."

"Is this a couch?"

Everyone began crowding into the area with surprised and interested looks. 

Inside the plane were couches, a bar, windows, more couches, a large carpet, and chairs. All of them were the most comfortable seating, and the area looked more like what you would find in a luxury house rather than a plane.

"Everyone go ahead and sit where you'd like. There's drinks over there if anyone wants it. Though since this ride will only be an hour, there isn't as much time to relax as everyone might want."

As he spoke, the plane began to rise into the sky. Though through the use of enchantments and skillful piloting, nobody felt anything. 

Everyone eventually took a seat so they could look at the view from outside. From the windows they saw themselves rise nearly 20,000 feet into the air. Then, the plane began to go full throttle in the direction of the Empire. Everyone could see the Spire quickly disappear over the horizon and understood how fast they were going. 

Soon, they were going over 3,000 miles per hour. Magus Idona, who was sitting in one of the chairs, looked over to Dream who was sitting next to her in another chair.

"You really weren't lying about how fast this thing could go."

"I'm glad you're pleased. I'm also glad you gave me the opportunity to transport everyone."

"Truth is, I still brought over our transport item just in case. After all, it was a little hard to believe such bold words. Even now I'm surprised."

"I understand. Always come prepared."

"Indeed. Though you came extra prepared. I really like the seating you have."

Idona sunk back into the plush chair and had a content look on her beautiful face. Dream chuckled seeing that.

"I'm glad you like it. But don't get too comfortable. We only have an hour, remember?"

"*sigh* That's right. Ironic how I'm now wishing for this ride to be slower."

"I can make that wish come true, if you would so please."

"Hmm, maybe I do."

"Two hours?"

"Or three?"

"It shall be done."

After he said that, the plane slowly decelerated. They smiled to each other.

"Care for a drink?"

"Well I can't turn down my host, now can I? What do you have?"


"Surprise me."

"Hmm...Try this."

Dream brought out two wine glasses and a bottle in the air. The bottle poured itself and Dream grabbed the glasses, handing one to Idona.




They touched glasses and drank. 

"Mm. This is really good. What is it?"

"Wine. One of the best I can produce."

"Must be expensive."

"Not if you make it yourself."

"Hehe, very true. So, Dream. Tell me about this amazing ship we're currently riding on. And the core. It's quite something."

Idona sipped her wine and turned her body towards him, giving him her full attention. She was curious about all the different machinations of the plane as well as the intricate enchantments strewn throughout it. Though she was also interested in the man who was able to craft such an interesting device.

"The core and technology of this ship isn't anything crazy. I'm sure an enchanter such as yourself would be able to make something better."

"Oh? You knew?"

"A little birdie told me."

Dream had interrogated Riddick after the meeting about Idona. Turns out, although it wasn't her main ability, she was an enchanter, and only second to another class 4 in the Spire. Dream was impressed.

"I see. Well I am one. But I've never seen such a complex device such as this. I may not be able to replicate it should I be asked to. But you were able to make it. I'm curious about its technology. If you wouldn't mind sharing some things with me."

"I wouldn't mind if I received some insights of your own about enchanting. I'm sure I could learn just as much from your plentiful experience."


"Then the first thing you'll want to know about is combustion..."

As Dream and Idona got themselves into an academic discussion, everyone else in the plane was watching them with weird faces. Though some of the men soon got tired of watching such a beautiful woman being wooed by a young kid and made their way to the bar that was stocked full of drinks. 

Though for the most part, under the relaxed atmosphere everyone got into their own discussions. Plenty of drinks were passed around and even food made its way out of people's inventories. The ride began to turn into a party. Dream smiled when he saw this.

Since everyone was having fun, the three hours passed quickly. Soon, Dream made an announcement.

"Alright, we're coming up on the Empire. Everyone start preparing."

Hearing that, looks of disappointment could be seen. Everyone began putting away food and drink while getting comfortable on the couches one last time.

The plane soon noticeably slowed while coming to a hover above the Mercenary Empire. Everyone looked out the windows and watched as they descended.

"Idona, is there any particular place we're supposed to land?"

Dream spoke, looking over to her. During their insightful discussion, she had asked him to stop adding the 'Magus' before her name. Apparently, she wasn't one for formalities.

"Hmm, that's a good question. I say just keep hovering above them until they notice. I'll also poke around with my aura for their class 4."

When she said that, Dream could sense an absurdly dense mana stream extending out from Idona. It traveled down and washed over the people inside the city's palace.

"Magus Idona. It's nice to see you again."

A voice echoed through the plane, obviously not coming from somebody within. Idona smiled.

"It's nice to see you too, Sir Ciroc."

"Come land your...transportation in front of the palace."

"Very well. Dream."

"On it."

The plane moved and lowered itself to the plaza in front of the palace. The few hundred people bustling around were surprised at this huge black piece of flying metal and backed away, giving space for it to land.

The engines slowed as the hatch began to open. The 40 people inside began to pile out under the eyes of all the bystanders. 

"I'm surprised you're here so early."

A man came floating down in front of them. He stood nearly 7 feet tall and looked almost like a bodybuilder, wearing tight fitted hunter's clothes. His hair was long and he had a surprisingly charming voice contrary to his barbarian-like aura. 

"That's thanks to Dream here. This is his ship and he was kind enough to fly us all here."

"Dream huh? Well, nice to meet you, Dream."


Ciroc went over and put out his hand. Dream didn't hesitate and grabbed it, putting all his strength into his grip.

Though even after dumping his strength into his grip, it didn't even slightly budge this man's vice-grip hands. It was like he was trying to squeeze steel while being a regular human!

"Heh, your strength isn't so bad for someone so young. Let's see, B-?"

"That is correct." 

"I see. Well, keep working on it. And maybe you'll reach my level someday."

They both let go after Ciroc gave one last squeeze. Though this squeeze basically folded his hand in half, Dream didn't show anything. Ciroc smiled seeing that.

"Anyway, the executives are in the meeting room. They'll be glad to see you all. Follow me."

Ciroc led the way as all 40 people followed. They entered the palace and went through its many corridors before coming to the meeting room.

When they arrived, Ciroc announced their presence and filled them in on the meeting. Dream scanned the room.

'There are 3 other class 4's besides Ciroc. They're powerful.'

Everyone took a seat at the big table and continued on with the meeting while Dream looked around. Along with Ciroc and Idona, there were 5 class 4's who were attending this meeting.

What they talked about were plans of action. Knowing that there were class 3 demons coming across and that they were definitely going to attack, they wanted to plan how to defend against it. A man with a report in front of him spoke outlining the situation to the class 4's.

"They're going to be here in a matter of days. They've already destroyed dozens of towns on the way here and have set up outposts. Our scouts confirmed that each one is established by a class 3. Though there has also been another interesting piece of information sent back."

"What is it?"

"There have been sightings of an unknown force combatting the demons. Several hundred humanoid creatures with frightening killing ability have been seen annihilating entire legions of demons past the land bridge. They've also saved more than a few settlements. Though nobody knows where they came from, and we haven't been able to get in contact with them. But we have been able to get in contact with one force that's stationed themselves near the city. They call themselves Bobs, and there are 50 of them. They aren't hostile and have even expressed their wish to fight the demons with our troops."


"No sir. We actually don't know what they are. Our best guess is that they're a type of golem. They're made of metal like Iron. They have 6 arms and they wield swords. Their killing ability is also even better than the other metal force we've seen passed the land bridge. They haven't told us their class or level, but their mana level puts them at C+. They also have a leader known as Bob 1."


As everyone went into thought over what this might be, Dream just sat there looking pretty. Though he wasn't able to escape suspicion and there were several people who glanced at him.

"...They're proven to be non-hostile?"

"Yes sir. If anything, they're very nice. They also don't sleep and don't eat since they have a core."

"Then since they wish to help us, put them under a commander and give them operations to run, but keep a close watch for any weird behavior. If anything happens, destroy them."


"Now, we're going to be sending vanguard teams in an attempt to estimate the power of these demons. The intelligence report from the Spire says that it's highly likely that there is at least one class 4 at their core. Seeing the demons' front line forces, this seems highly plausible. So we're going to assume such. I'm proposing we send two class 4's and a few dozen class 3's. This team will spearhead past the frontlines and into enemy territory, taking out outposts as they head straight for the core. The two candidates for this operation will be Idona and Ciroc along with a combination of class 3 mages and fighters. Any objections?"

The class 4 looked around. Seeing nobody speaking up, he nodded.

"Alright. The operation will begin in two days. Our friends from the Spire will be shown to your accommodations."

After that, the meeting was adjourned and everyone stood up. Everyone from the Spire was brought to their own rooms in the palace.

After he was led to his, Dream lounged around for a bit.

"*sigh* So I'm getting sent off to war. I'd honestly rather go by myself. How're the troops?"

[They're good. We've only lost a few dozen so far.]

"And the space station?"

[Set up and operational. The transport ships are also working well.]


[I have some news from Earth. The first class 2 has been realized.]

"That fast?"

[Well, the mana density on Earth is now equivalent to this world's and has stagnated. Monsters have taken over landmasses and driven humans out. We're also beginning to see the first sets of intelligent animals. And materials have strengthened greatly due to flux. This is leading to major scientific experiments using these new materials to build things that couldn't be realized before. Though it's also leading to many mechanical failures due to a change in the properties of certain materials, but scientists are taking this as a good thing rather than bad.]

"Not only has magic been introduced, but there's about to be a huge technological revolution."

[Indeed. Enchanters are beginning to pop up, alchemists, magical engineers, mages, fighters. The world is changing by the day. And curious thing is, nearly everyone who uses magic does it through manipulation.]

"Because they haven't discovered magic sequences. The only way they know is to control mana directly. Though this might change a bit when enchanting develops, it would take a long time. Here, I want you to compile the basic and intermediate knowledge for magic sequences and elemental sequencing. Though I also want to add our observations on how it's not limited to one language and how manipulation can be used in conjunction. It'll be good for them to learn because it'll make magic easier for weaker people, but I don't want them to disregard manipulation."

[Understood. Sending it now.]

Moments later, everyone on Earth received a notification from the Seeker program. Dream watched how it garnered a few billion views instantly.

"Good. Now, how's my family?"

[They're doing great. They could be considered the top of the world right now. Austin, Walter, and Melody have all gotten their first class and are close to level 100. Your dad is right there with them. Though your mom has taken an interesting route.]

"What kind of route?"

[Well, you know your two cats Ambush and Loki? Well, they actually began slowly gaining power. And due to their love for your mother and family, they never became hostile. In fact, according to your mother, there's been a bond made between her and Ambush. Loki also made a bond but it was with Austin. I can only assume they're familiar bonds. And so other than Austin, I believe that your mother is becoming a tamer of some sort. The reason why is because she gained a taming skill after bonding with Ambush, though Austin never received the same skill.]

"Well damn. That's actually pretty cool."

[Both cats have also gone out on several occasions with your family when they go hunting. As per their names, Ambush has developed stealth and assassination abilities while Loki is rather good at trickery. They're good matches for your mom and Austin. And they're proving to be valuable assets to your family.]

"Nice. I guess they're going to become the new guard cats. Maybe if they keep working with them they'll evolve. Or maybe gain intelligence. That would be interesting. I've always wondered what they would say. Though it kind of sucks for the dog. He's gonna have a hard time if they become stronger than him."

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