The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 114: Explosion In The Lunar Pit

Chapter 114: Explosion In The Lunar Pit

“Something’s amiss.” Wang Xuan stared intently at the four Bodhisattvas, noting subtle differences in their aura. He, being a Master, immediately grasped the core of the matter. While these Bodhisattvas possessed formidable physical strength, their spiritual energy paled in comparison to that of a genuine Grandmaster. To any observer, this was their clear vulnerability. Intriguingly, Wang Xuan speculated that if he had access to a specific tome about the spiritual realm, he would be confident enough to shatter the spirit of one of these Moonlight Bodhisattvas.

The scene was tense, with every expert and safety advisor from various organizations watching closely. As the Bodhisattvas moved, they seemed to glide just above the lunar surface, traversing a great distance with astonishing speed. Their immense prowess was evident, but the reduced gravity of the moon played a role in their movements too. A misty veil appeared before Wang Xuan's eyes as he observed closely, trying to ascertain his own theories. Near the lunar crater, a fierce battle erupted. With their masterful skills, one of the Bodhisattvas, equipped with an alloy blade, slashed through the air. Another stomped the ground, causing the rocky terrain to crumble, revealing massive black chasms. Their power was evident; they were at the Grandmaster level.

Wang Xuan's expression grew stern. The mysterious entities used their signature move – a sudden, aggressive attempt to possess their opponents. As one of the Moonlight Bodhisattvas swung his alloy blade, it seemed ineffective. It merely grazed the radiant entity, which remained unscathed and continued its descent. The silence of the moon's vacuum was eerie. Yet, observers felt the torment of the Bodhisattva, who seemed to scream in agony, though no sound reached their ears. He dropped his blade in desperation, clutching his head, appearing on the brink of madness.

Wang Xuan sighed inwardly. The weakness of the Moonlight Bodhisattvas was now glaringly evident. While they had formidable physical capabilities, their spiritual defenses were inadequate. Now, with their spirits overtaken, they were vulnerable.

Boom! A thunderous crash echoed silently.

Wang Xuan watched in awe as one of the Moonlight Bodhisattvas effortlessly kicked a four-meter-tall meteorite into the air, shattering it mid-flight. The spectacle left all onlookers in shock. However, Wang Xuan's keen gaze caught something more sinister. A luminescent being darted into the Bodhisattva's head, vanishing bit by bit, creating an eerie sight that sent shivers down his spine.

"How utterly brutal!" Wang Xuan muttered to himself. He could see the Bodhisattva's spirit dimming, gradually being snuffed out by the intruder. Yet, he also noted a problem. The invading entity was evidently paying a price for its possession. The Moonlight Bodhisattva's physical prowess seemed to scorch the creature, causing its radiant white light to disintegrate.

Even so, the creature persisted, seemingly eager to claim the powerful body as its own. Eventually, its light faded entirely as it fully submerged into the Bodhisattva's form. Wang Xuan's heart raced. Could it be that the newest type of Bodhisattva, a creation of the Life Science Institute, perfectly suited the needs of this mysterious being?

A chilling snap echoed.

The possessed Moonlight Bodhisattva, in a final act of defiance, tore at his spacesuit, eliciting a roar of rage from the entity within, causing ripples of psychic disturbance. Onlookers on the other side of the protective barrier gasped. Although they had not witnessed any battle between the Bodhisattva and the spectral entities, they saw his madness and self-destruction. They realized the grim truth: he was doomed. Even a Grandmaster could not survive being exposed to the moon's surface for long.

In a final desperate leap, he vanished into the inky abyss of the Lunar Pit. Nearby, the other three Moonlight Bodhisattvas were similarly engaged in fierce combat and struggles. Who or what were they contending with? A palpable dread hung in the air. The fear of the unknown was paralyzing, leaving everyone on edge.

One of the Moonlight Bodhisattvas exploded, with blood and bones scattering near the meteorite. From his body, the mysterious entity emerged, looking fainter than before. Possessing the Grandmaster had come at a significant cost, and in the end, it couldn't retain the powerful body. Soon after, another Bodhisattva met the same fate. The fourth leaped into the Lunar Pit, never to be seen again. The protective barrier's side was eerily silent. These were Moonlight Bodhisattvas, among the most formidable beings, yet they had been obliterated in mere moments.

Though the scene was harrowing, Wang Xuan discerned something crucial. The entities within the Lunar Pit couldn't exert vast, sweeping control over humanity. Even possession had its price. His gaze shifted to the distant White Horse Temple and Daoist ancestral grounds. The tales of Buddhism and Daoism seemed to mirror this truth.

He grew more convinced that many ancient myths might have taken place within the spiritual realm. "Let the immortals keep their tales; the mortal realm belongs to Wang Xuan," he whispered to himself. This perspective offered a fresh interpretation of legends and Bodhisattvas.

Qin Hong looked on with a grim face. To witness such a scene firsthand, seeing even four Moonlight Bodhisattvas obliterated without making a dent, stirred agitation within him. He turned to leave, contemplating the use of the "N-substance," an extract from a fabled "blessed land" of the past. But the thought of leaving his younger son's body behind, buried with those mysterious creatures, sent shivers down his spine.

"Based on years of observation, the Lunar Pit's beings seem linked to the spiritual realm. If we want to retrieve Yun Feng, we need someone with immense spiritual power," said one of Qin Hong's aides, having scoured over a century's worth of data regarding the moon's strange events.

Back at his residence, Qin Hong, brooding and icy, responded, "Where would we find such a person on short notice?"

"There might be a few with heightened spiritual prowess among the security experts and special advisors from the various organizations based on the moon," his aide suggested.

Qin Hong, in a fit of rage, retorted, "These warriors shrink away when they're most needed. They're less reliable than the guard dogs at my feet!" In his frustration, he kicked a nearby guard dog away.

His closest confidants remained silent, understanding that in such moments, words could be more harmful than comforting. After what seemed like an eternity, Qin Hong finally regained his composure. Turning to his aides, he commanded, "Apply more pressure on them."

Soon enough, major organizations began rallying their in-house security experts and special advisors. The word was out; the Qin family had increased the rewards. Given that the Qin family was a significant client for organizations like Top Martial, these firms were genuinely trying to mobilize their veterans. However, no one stepped forward. The problem was that the moon-based units were regular companies, not the mercenaries or zealots that these organizations kept on other desolate planets. Thus, they were at a loss for solutions.

Before long, notifications came in. The Qin family wanted a face-to-face meeting with the security experts and special advisors. There were six or seven organizations on the moon that offered security services, and they summoned hundreds of experts and advisors to a grand hall. Even Qin Cheng, who was often considered subpar, was in attendance. However, after his recent achievements, he was now recognized as a novice security expert.

When Qin Hong arrived, he emanated an aura of deep sorrow. He began, "I understand that many of you here are the elite in your field, with some being top practitioners. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience of this summoning. But I implore you to understand the anguish and pain of a father who has just lost his child."

His voice was heavy with grief, and he came across as genuinely sincere, humbling himself before the experts. Wang Xuan was taken aback. If it weren't for his heightened senses that once caught Qin Hong's disdainful comments from afar, he might have been completely fooled by the man's display. Back then, away from the crowd, Qin Hong had openly expressed to his closest confidants that these warriors were useless, cowardly, and not even as reliable as a dog.

Now, with everyone gathered, Qin Hong wore an expression of profound grief. He spoke earnestly, his voice laden with emotion, highlighting the challenges of both old and new forms of cultivation. "Whose life isn't valuable?" he questioned, emphasizing that he wouldn't have asked anyone to take risks if it weren't absolutely necessary.

Wang Xuan mentally noted to be wary of Qin Hong. The man's duplicity and cold demeanor meant he'd be a challenging adversary in any future interactions. Qin Cheng, meanwhile, seemed impressed. "Qin Hong is quite grounded, and very sincere in what he says," he mused aloud.

Wang Xuan could only sigh in response, "We're still young. We have much to learn, observe, and be vigilant about."

Finally, Qin Hong had various treasures displayed on the table — golden mushrooms, marrow of the earth, ancient manuals for spiritual cultivation, notes of a scholar named Oleisha, and more. He informed the assembly that he also had bamboo slips from pre-Qin sages, moonlight silver, and mountain snails; they just weren't with him at the moment. Additionally, he offered a staggering reward of three hundred million Nova coins.

It's one thing to hear about treasures and another to see them in person. The rare items, ancient manuscripts, and the hefty bounty, all within arm's reach, made some attendees' hearts race. Predictably, one of them could not resist asking, "If someone were to die inside, would there be compensation for their family?"

This was someone willing to risk it all.

Qin Hong responded promptly and decisively, "Of course! Every life is valuable. Should an unfortunate event occur, we'll ensure the family of the deceased is well taken care of."

While the majority still weren't willing to risk their lives, many felt Qin Hong was indeed sincere in his promises. But Wang Xuan's attention shifted. He was intently studying the manuscripts on the table. With his heightened spiritual senses, obstacles like angles and barriers were hardly an issue for him.

Qin Hong meticulously presented each treasure to the assembly, taking care to flip through the pages of the ancient manuals for everyone to see. This gesture greatly aided Wang Xuan, who was keenly observing. The ancient spiritual cultivation manual was surprisingly brief, spanning just two pages with a handful of words. Wang Xuan recalled an old saying: "Thousands of scrolls can deceive, but the truth lies in a single phrase."

The sword scripture contained six pages, each bearing cryptic annotations paired with detailed illustrations. Capitalizing on Qin Hong's emotive presentation, Wang Xuan discreetly memorized both texts. Whispers circulated among the attendees, many voicing their admiration for Qin Hong's authenticity. While none were willing to risk the treacherous expedition, their respect for him remained undiminished. Engaging in the conversation, Wang Xuan echoed the positive sentiments about Qin Hong. As he left the hall with the crowd, he felt an overwhelming sense of satisfaction.

Ultimately, six intrepid individuals dared to probe the lunar abyss. Their bravery, however, led to their doom. After this, the protective barrier became an impassable threshold for everyone. The lunar pit's menacing aura, especially post-resurgence, suggested imminent danger for a long time to come.

"All six perished," a confidant urgently reported to Qin Hong.

"Is a warrior's life of such great value?" Qin Hong remarked coldly, staring contemplatively out the window. "These archaic methods will soon be relics of the past."

He paused, his face shadowed by a grave decision. "Reach out to the other families. If they hold no reservations, I will take action. We must relinquish Yunfeng's remains."

Over the years, New World's major organizations and tycoons had consistently researched the lunar pit. They couldn't afford to ignore such a looming threat any longer. Through their efforts, they identified the existence of a substance labeled "X-material" within the pit. Although its concentration was lower than that previously found in the so-called "Blessed Lands," its properties were extraordinary.

This X-material emitted a powerful interference that severely disrupted spaceships and sophisticated machinery, rendering it highly dangerous. Additionally, it had the ability to corrode the "God Particle," another transcendent element discovered in the realm of New Techniques, which presented a major challenge for researchers.

Yet, after countless studies, these organizations had unearthed a rare "N-material" that also bore exceptional properties. Crucially, it could counteract the negative effects of the X-material.

"If all factions are in agreement, let's act!" Qin Hong declared resolutely.

A warship hovered above the moon's surface, primed and ready. In an instant, a blinding light erupted from the lunar pit, momentarily obscuring it, only to be followed by another explosion.

"Has the lunar pit's menace finally been neutralized?" Onlookers gasped in astonishment.

Wang Xuan observed radiant beings escaping the pit, only to disintegrate mysteriously one after another. "Myths from the spiritual realm falter in the face of the present reality," he mused.

Suddenly, an overwhelming sensation of impending doom gripped him. "Old Wang, I feel an inexplicable tightness in my chest. What's happening?" Qin Cheng gasped, his breaths coming fast and heavy, sensing the change too.

"The Immortals have taken back what is theirs; but what belonged to the human world hasn't wholly returned to me," Wang Xuan whispered. Grabbing Qin Cheng, he sprinted towards the ancient Taoist temple.

"The White Horse Temple is closer!" Qin Cheng argued.

"I have stronger ties with the Taoist temple. If we need assistance from the ancient pit, better to seek allies," Wang Xuan reasoned as they continued their dash. Muttering to himself, he added, "Old Zhang, if things go south, I leave this world in your hands for now."

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