The Transmigrator's Cultivation

Chapter 102 - Arc 8: Wuling Immortal Sect | Chapter 102: Inner Sect

Chapter 102 - Arc 8: Wuling Immortal Sect | Chapter 102: Inner Sect

Translator: Lynn

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Si Feng’s wings gracefully flapped, carrying her hundreds or even thousands of miles in just a short time. Despite the winds blowing around her, her flight remained incredibly steady, showing no signs of turbulence.

In Qingyang County, located in the extreme east of the Qingyun Great World, stands a vast city known as “Suixian City.”

Covering a vast area of tens of thousands of miles and accommodating a population of tens of millions, it is an immense city where both monks and mortals coexist. The city has a long history of venerating the Wuling Immortal Sect, and numerous small sects in the surrounding areas pay regular tributes to the Immortal Sect. The Wuling Immortal Sect is the guardian of Suixian City, and many of its disciples are esteemed individuals within the city. Over countless years, a deep bond has been forged between the Immortal Sect and the city, with various forces intertwining and becoming inseparable.

Behind Suixian City, covering nearly half of its area, lies a massive mountain where the gate of the Wuling Immortal Sect is located. The gate is concealed within the thick fog, making it difficult for ordinary people to find, but any monk with some level of cultivation can detect the entrance with their spiritual power.

At noon on a particular day, a layer of black shadow loomed over Suixian City, nearly shrouding the entire sky, dimming its brightness momentarily. However, the citizens of Suixian City were accustomed to such occurrences, and most of them continued their activities without much surprise. A few curious children looked up, their faces filled with wonder, but as the shadow passed by, they were once again greeted by the warm sunlight, prompting them to scurry back into their shops.

One of the bystanders jokingly scolded, “Those little rascals got what they deserved for gawking at spirit beasts!”

Another person speculated, “I think that shadow resembles a phoenix spirit from the fairy gate. It must be on an important mission today.”

A third person chimed in, “Could it be related to the Ascension Dragon Gate opening? Maybe they’re here to recruit disciples.”

The discussion continued among the crowd, but some unfamiliar monks passing by also overheard the conversation. They knew that when the Ascending Dragon Gate opens, people from the small world often come to compete with the monks from the big world for resources. Moreover, ten days after the Ascending Dragon Gate’s opening, all the immortal sects open their gates to recruit new disciples. Observing these events, they could deduce the dates of accepting disciples and try their luck accordingly.

Meanwhile, Si Feng flew swiftly, crossing over Suixian City and reaching a massive mountain. This mountain was embraced by other peaks, creating a valley at its base. Looking down from the sky, countless terraced fields stretched out, teeming with spiritual energy. The fields were cultivated with spiritual grain and rice, along with various other types of spiritual crops, each meticulously cared for by dedicated individuals. The sight of large fruit forests, vegetable fields, and countless forests further highlighted the vastness of the fairy gate. It was a grandeur that no giant in the small world could compare to.

After flying through the valley, Si Feng soon approached a mountain with veins resembling a wandering dragon. This majestic mountain range housed numerous grand palaces, and countless monks moved back and forth among them. Dazzling magic weapons filled the air, held by monks who exhibited unparalleled power in their every gesture and movement. The scenery was too astonishing to enumerate, leaving one entranced like being in a dreamland.

After circling several times, Si Feng descended to the ground, arriving in front of a mountain gate several feet high. Adjacent to the gate, there was a stone tablet bearing the four sharp characters “Wuling Immortal Sect.” These characters seemed as if they were carved by a sword, radiating an enigmatic feeling, perfectly harmonizing with the technique and essence of the sword, giving a natural and seamless appearance.

As Si Feng landed, Xu Ziqing stood up, his gaze briefly locking with the plain-clothed man sitting opposite him. Reacting to a slight movement from the man, Xu Ziqing found himself standing mid-air behind the plain-clothed man, just as he was before.

The plain-clothed man beckoned, “Come here.”

With a nod, Xu Ziqing moved against the wind and positioned himself behind the plain-clothed man as instructed. The other monks also dismounted from Si Feng, watching her flutter away like a floating cloud. Their eyes were drawn to the sharp and mysterious strokes on the stone tablet, evoking an overwhelming surge of emotions within them.

The mere glimpse of this second-grade sect is already so extraordinary; it’s no wonder it captivates people!

Du Xiu glanced at the expressions of the monks and smiled, “This is the outer gate of our Wuling Immortal Sect. First, you’ll need to undergo an assessment at Wuxin Hall, and someone will guide you further.” He waved to a monk named Junior Brother Chen Ke, who stood up, greeted them with a smile, and offered to lead the way.

Su Xin and the others were familiar with Du Xiu’s sternness, so they bid him farewell following the sect’s etiquette.

With everyone settled, Du Xiu soared into the sky on his flying sword, and with a roar, he flew away in an instant, followed closely by several other monks.

Xu Ziqing wanted to take his leave too, but the plain-clothed man coldly stated, “Follow me straight into Xiaozhu Peak.”

Xu Ziqing was taken aback, “Aren’t I going with them?”

The man in plain clothes replied, “No need.”

They are friends, but Xu Ziqing wants to get to know his friend Yun Lie better. It’s better to go and explain to them.”

Hearing the familiar tone, Xu Ziqing couldn’t help but smile, “Sure, I won’t delay.” As he finished speaking, he felt a gentle force flick his sleeve, propelling him away in an instant.

Xu Ziqing swiftly used the Yufeng Jue technique, swaying slightly in the air, and landed in front of Su Xin and the others.

Seeing him approach, Su Xin glanced warily at the plain-clothed man still floating mid-air, and asked Xu Ziqing, “You mentioned that a close friend passed away, and his last wish was for you to join the Wuling Immortal Gate… Is this person?”

Xu Ziqing sighed, “I believe it’s him. I thought he had died, but I was mistaken.”

Recalling what Du Xiu had said, Su Xin whispered, “You don’t need to concern yourself with this person. How well do you know him?”

Due to Du Xiu’s intervention, Xu Ziqing didn’t overhear the conversation. Believing Su Xin’s caution stemmed from the man’s intimidating aura and sword intent, Xu Ziqing reassured him, “Although he exudes a strong killing intent, he doesn’t kill indiscriminately. I’ve known him for many years, and he’s the person I trust the most. I want to accompany him, and I’m bidding you farewell. While we are from the same sect, the Wuling Immortal Sect is vast, and it might be difficult to meet again.”

Accepting Xu Ziqing’s determination, Su Xin nodded, realizing that the man didn’t intend to harm him. He said, “Be careful, and I’ll do my best to enter the sect.”

Xu Ziqing smiled, bid farewell to Diao Zimo and the others, and then rose into the sky again, where the man in plain clothes captured him with sword intent and carried him away on the flying sword.

Du Xiu had already arrived at the winding mountain peaks ahead of the two of them. Standing on his flying sword, he chanted a magic formula. As Xu Ziqing and the plain-clothed man approached, Du Xiu nodded slightly but didn’t engage in much conversation. With a wave of his hand, ripples appeared in the clouds and mist, forming a hole leading to a cave. The surge of spiritual energy from the cave was almost suffocating.

The flying sword carrying Du Xiu rushed straight into the cave, and in a matter of seconds, the entrance vanished from sight. Xu Ziqing caught a glimpse of countless peaks within the cave, but the view was brief, leaving him yearning for more.

The plain-clothed man followed suit, using several hand gestures to recreate the ripples and open the entrance. Guided by sword intent, both of them entered the cave in the blink of an eye.

As they entered, Xu Ziqing’s eyesight cleared, revealing a sight far different from the misty clouds outside. The cave was adorned with densely-packed mountain tops, varying in size and distance, stretching for tens of thousands of miles. The peaks were lush with exotic flowers, strange rocks, and dense forests, interspersed with waterfalls, cold pools, and gurgling streams. Countless birds flew overhead, and beasts roamed freely.

The beauty of this place was mesmerizing, and the spiritual energy was over a hundred times richer than outside. Monks flew between the peaks on spirit birds and strange beasts, with flying swords and magic weapons shimmering all around. Many monks displayed incredible power in their movements, leaving Xu Ziqing awestruck as if he had stepped into a dreamland.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Ziqing felt his heart instantly relax and delight. He had only seen a glimpse of the wonders of cultivation on his journey, and now, his heart felt more open as his vision expanded.

Indeed, the big world was incomparable. Reflecting on his past experiences in the small world, he realized that “sitting in a well and looking at the sky” could not describe the narrow perspective he once had.

The plain-clothed man moved swiftly with his sword intent, and the beasts and spirit birds scattered at his approach. Many monks of great strength also made way for him.

Despite his friend’s terrifying aura, Xu Ziqing wasn’t intimidated. Having grown accustomed to his friend’s sword intent, he couldn’t sense the thrilling and menacing power of the ruthless killing sword intent.

As they passed through several peaks, Xu Ziqing maintained a faint smile on his face but secretly observed their surroundings. The varying heights of the peaks caught his attention, with smaller peaks standing together and taller peaks scattered and unconnected. He held back his questions, knowing that he would find answers after meeting his master. Additionally, he understood the need for caution in a place as strange as this.

After some time, they approached a small peak with thin and light clouds, seemingly unremarkable. However, Xu Ziqing sensed countless powerful auras hidden within it, constantly absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy.

The plain-clothed man angled his sword intent and gracefully landed on the top of the small peak.

Once stabilized, Xu Ziqing couldn’t contain his curiosity and asked, “Is this Xiaozhu Peak?”

The plain-clothed man replied, “That’s right.”

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