Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 283

Chapter 283

With Achilles.

After taking his companions to their locations where they would advance toward the enemy, Achilles continued on with his chariot to find his opponent.

While flying in a flash of green through the sky, Achilles saw the presence of an enemy walking on a rocky part of the battlefield.

With a huge smile on his face, Achilles jumped out of his chariot as he shot toward the ground.

The earth shattered like glass thrown into a wall when Achilles stepped on it after his literal fall from the sky.

A cloud of dust formed and Achilles smiled as he began to speak.

"It seems we have met my enemy. I am Achilles, son of Peleus and Thetis and I will be your opponent" declared Achilles smiling proudly.

"A descendant of the Great Hero Achilles? I couldn't ask for a better opponent" said a proud voice from behind the cloud of dust.

When the cloud of dust disappeared a tall man was revealed, the same height as Achilles, he had spiky red hair and wore a Spartan outfit with several red markings across his body, in his left hand was a large shield and in his right hand was a long spear.

Pointing his spear at Achilles he smiled.

"I am Leonidas, descendant of the great King of Sparta who was blessed by the great God of War Ares," said Leonidas with a smile.

Achilles' smile widened.

"Looks like we are Greeks, it will be an amazing battle" said Achilles smiling.

"You bet" said Leonidas with the same smile.

Both quickly wielded their spears and prepared to advance.

With Arturia and Arthur.

Already along a large plain it was possible to see four other people staring at each other.

On one side were two tall men, one with purple hair and eyes as well as armor and a long sword, and next to him was a man with white hair who also had a large sword in his hands.

They were Lancelot and Siegfried, respectively.

In front of them were a man and a woman, the young man wore glasses, had blond hair and a lock of hair covering his face, a business suit and two swords around his waist.

Next to him was a relatively shorter young woman, with green eyes and blond hair that looked as if it had been dusted with gold.

They were Arthur Pendragon and Arturia Pendragon respectively.

"It's been a while Arthur" said Lancelot turning to the Caliburn wielder.

Arthur only looked with remorse in his eyes.

"Yes, it has been a while Lancelot" said Arthur calmly.

Arturia only observed the conversation of the two as her eyes focused on Lancelot.

Even though she knew that this Lancelot was not the one she knew, Arturia still felt remorse, she had never blamed Lancelot for what he had done, unlike him who thought he was guilty.

Even more so when they met in the Fourth Holy Grail War, and to see that her former friend had become someone who had fallen into madness.

"Arturia-sama" said Arthur calling Arturia and bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Allow me to look after Lancelot, could you fight the other one?" asked Arthur calmly.

"Alright, be my guest" said Arturia turning to Siegfried.

The Dragon Slayer's heir only stepped forward as he raised his Balmung 2 sword.

"It seems that I will be your opponent. I am Siegfried, descendant of the hero who killed the Dragon Fafnir" said the man calmly.

Arturia only smiled as a blast of wind covered her body and when it disappeared she was wielding her Excalibur that was covered by her [Invisible Ar].

"I am Arturia Pendragon, be on guard" said Arturia calmly.

Lancelot's eyes widened at Arturia's last name.

"Looks like you have met some interesting people Arthur" said Lancelot lifting Arondight.

Arthur only placed his hand on the hilt of his Caliburn.

"These are people I can call companions" said Arthur calmly.

Taking his sword from its sheath, Arthur pointed Caliburn at the descendant of the Knight of the Lake.

"I will be the victor Lancelot" said Arthur seriously.

Lancelot only smiled at that.

"I look forward to seeing how you have evolved" said Lancelot smiling.

With Xenovia and Mordred.

While Arthur and Arturia were starting their battle in another region it was possible to see another battle beginning.

On the Avalon Faction side was Xenovia who was wearing a uniform consisting of a red button-down top with a white tie and red shorts. She also wears a black cape around her waist, as well as a purple cape over her left shoulder.

And next to her was Mordred who was wearing his typical armor, but without his helmet.

And in front of them were two [Pawns] of Rin Astaroth's Nobility, the "Marine Hero" Wave and the "Murasame Sword User" Akame.

"Looks like here are our enemies Akame" said Wave smiling calmly as he received a nod from Akame.

"I'll take care of the idiot" said Mordred pointing Clarent at Wave.

"Who are you calling an idiot" Wave shouted angrily.

"You" said Akame and Mordred together.

Wave only gained a cloud around him.

Akame turned her gaze to Xenovia

"So you are my enemy" Xenovia said seriously.

Stretching out his hand a magic circle appeared in front of him and from it Xenovia took out his Sacred Sword Durandal.

When it was drawn a burst of sacred energy surged from Durandal.

Even from a distance, Wave and Akame grimaced as they felt the amount of holy energy.

Even though they were extremely powerful they were still demons, and so standing in front of a holy sword like Durandal was extremely worrisome, its power could take down even a Satan class being if used correctly.

Akame slowly pulled his Murasame sword from its sheath and faced Xenovia seriously while Wave looked at Mordred.

The tension was enormous on the battlefield.

And in one swift movement they advanced.

With Karna, Tiamat and Fenrir.

Already in another part of the battlefield it was possible to see six other people staring at each other.

On one side was Karna who was wearing his Golden Armor and wielding his spear, next to him was Tiamat in his human form, and Fenrir who was in his true form, about ten meters tall.

In front of them was the "Ice General" Esdeath, the "Slayer of a Hundred Men" Bulat and the "Queen of Beasts" Leone.

"It looks like we have met our opponents" Esdeath commented calmly.

"Yes, and they sure aren't normal" said Leone smiling.

"The descendant of the charity hero, the Strongest Dragon King and the God Devouring Wolf. Very powerful opponents" commented Bulat seriously.

"How humbling, but you are also monsters to be so powerful at that age" commented Tiamat.

"To receive a compliment from a Dragon King is an honor" said Leone smiling immensely.

Getting everyone's attention, Karna took the lead

"Let's get started" he said pointing his spear at Esdeath.

The ice woman earned a huge predatory smile that made even Bulat and Leone break into a cold sweat at the sight.

"You took the words right out of my mouth" said Esdeath maliciously.

An icy blue aura took over the woman's body and began to slowly freeze the ground around her.

In response, an aura of pure flames took over Karna's body.

"I don't think we can stay behind" said Tiamat gaining a strong aura and facing Bulat and Fenrir did the same to Leone

Everyone's smile formed on their faces as they prepared for battle.

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