Greatest Streamer System

Chapter 37 – B-Grade Nutritional Supplementary

37  Chapter 37 – B-Grade Nutritional Supplementary

"8 April 2045. Today's weather is good, with a 4% chance of rain. Please have a wonderful day and don't forget to exercise!"

Ding Dong!


In the morning, the packet Max was waiting for had arrived. It was sent by a drone that was put right in front of his house. Only when the drone scanned Max did it fly away through the corridor.

Max watched what happened before him while being surprised.

'It's my first time watching a drone delivery. It's really cool and convenient.'

Not even the previous Max had a drone delivery before, as it cost a lot. Usually, he picked up the packet he ordered in the office a bit away from his apartment for a lower shipping cost.

Still, this packet should be the one sent by the system, as the receiver name was set to Breeze, and the sender was kept anonymous. Nothing was written besides that, and the content was wrapped in a relatively small but secure black box.

'I wonder what a B-Grade nutritional supplement looks like.' Max smiled widely as he brought the box inside, 'Also, what's the bonus? Is it inside?'

After sitting on his bed, he put the box on his lap and opened the box carefully as if it were a delicate glass. He didn't want to make a mistake and break the glass tube containing the nutritional supplement Inside.

Inside the box lay two small tubes with different liquids inside, red and green, lying on a soft cushion. The one with red liquid had B written on the tube, while the green one had Energy written on it. The first one must be the nutritional supplement, as it looked similar to what he saw in the store.

But Max didn't know what the second one was.

"What is this?" Max wondered as he carefully lifted the tube with green liquid. He examined it carefully and found small words written underneath the Energy.

"Bonus item. It can prevent you from getting fatigued for 3 hours. Use wisely."

"Preventing me from getting fatigued?!" He exclaimed in surprise.

Instantly, he didn't believe that this kind of medicine existed. There was nothing like this in the market or even the medicine store.

But… This medicine was from the System. It was a bonus reward because he did it excellently. Not getting fatigued for 3 hours would definitely not be that useful for normal people as they had monstrous stamina from their training and the supplement.

However, this was actually pretty useful for Max.

'I can play in my top condition for 3 hours. This is pretty good.' He put the medicine back in the box and took the nutritional supplement tube.

'And I will use this today. The announcement for the program is in 2 days. I need to look fit and not this skinny before that. I don't know if that's possible, but I just need to do my best. I better visit the gym and ask the best way to drink this supplement.'

Max stored the box nicely and changed his clothes before going to the gym while bringing the B-Grade nutritional supplement with him.

Walking to the gym was never this fun for him. But the expectation of finally being able to drink the nutritional supplement and possibly being able to play games and stream longer put a smile on Max's face.

Without a doubt, his body would change slightly, and this B-Grade supplement would solve his malnutrition problem. Or at least he hoped it would make his body slightly better than now.

'I will really be disappointed if this won't change anything in 2 days.' He thought as he entered the gym and went straight to where he could find a trainer that he chose when registering.

'My trainer is a girl, right? This will be my first time meeting her. I wish I could get a male trainer that I can chat comfortably with, but well, this is also fine. Besides, I believe she's a professional and will give me a good training menu that I really need. That's all I need.' n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Finding the person wasn't difficult, as all the trainers in the Galaxy Gym wore uniforms with their names. The female trainers wore spats and tank tops, while the male trainers usually only wore shorts without any tops. The latter always wanted to show their muscles.

Not to mention, because it was Tuesday, not many people were in the gym in the morning.

Max found his trainer near the treadmill area at the corner of the gym. She was instructing another girl with a stern face. He knew that it was her thanks to the nametag she had on her chest and the picture he was shown by the receptionist yesterday.

'According to the receptionist, her name is Ava, a 23-year-old short-haired blonde girl with good body proportions and a young face. Yup, that's her.' He thought as he walked toward her.

She noticed him and said something to the girl on the treadmill before approaching with a smile.

"Hello." Unexpectedly, she was the one who greeted Max first with a sweet and friendly tone. "I believe you're Max Charles, who had just registered yesterday?"

"That's right," Max answered with a friendly smile.

The trainer nodded and stretched her hand for a handshake. Her grip was firm, taking him by surprise slightly.

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Ava Graves. I will be your trainer as long as your membership is still active. I know that some boys are disappointed in having a female trainer, but I need you to be accepting, alright? All trainers here graduated from fitness school without any exception, so you can trust our capabilities."

"Don't worry, Miss Graves. As long as you instruct me on how to get the best result, then I won't complain."

"Hahaha, you sure are different." Ava laughed merrily and lowered her hand. "Well, you can just call me Ava. And thank you for trusting me. Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions."

It was the perfect chance to ask, so Max didn't hesitate at all.

"Thank you, Miss Ava. You may also call me Max. Also, there is something I want to ask immediately before training, Miss Ava."

"Just Ava is enough, Max." She sighed softly, "And what's your question?"

"Actually, I just bought a B-Grade nutritional supplement." Max took the tube from her jacket pocket and showed it to Ava. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw the tube, but she didn't say anything yet. "I wondered how I should exercise to get the best result from this."

"I see." She nodded with a small smile. "I am glad you asked. Many people waste this precious and expensive supplement because they are ignorant. I will give you the training menu you can use to maximize the result you can gain for that. As a bonus, I will also give you a diet plan if you want to."

"Please." He nodded and smiled, full of gratitude. "That would help me a lot. I want to focus on building stamina and playing VR games longer. If possible, please make the training menu to focus on that."

"Don't worry about it. Your skinny body will soon turn into a muscled one. This B-Grade supplement will be able to sustain your workout for a month."

She laughed merrily as she patted Max's shoulder. Then she put on a serious face.

"To be honest, you made a good decision buying a B-Grade instead of higher ones. The A and S-Grades are usually used by professional athletes who need a lot of nutrition. If you drink the supplement in your current condition, you might sleep in the hospital instead of getting a good result."

That was the first time Max heard that. And from this, he once again was thankful to the system.

'It probably knows about it, and that's why the bonus is the Energy liquid instead of another supplement.'

"Hahaha, I am quite fortunate, huh?" Max chuckled lowly.

"Indeed. Now, then, let's not waste any time. I already have your contact information from the gym, so I will send the training menu and the diet plan to your message. For now, get changed and wait for me in the weight training area. I will be there soon."


'This trainer is better than I thought.' Max mused in his mind as he went to the locker room. 'No matter what the training menu she gives me, I will complete it. I don't want to waste my second chance in life. Having a good and healthy body is a must to enjoy this life.'


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