Me! Zombie! Summoned to Another World!

Chapter 19: When the Python Dies, the Wand Core Is Mine

Chapter 19: When the Python Dies, the Wand Core Is Mine

The Swamp Python raised its head and looked toward the shore.

"Hiss Hiss"

It poked out its tongue and used its unique red eyes to stare at me and the Knight King.

Seeing that the Swamp Python's attention had been successfully attracted over, I immediately took the Knight King and slowly retreated.

"Dong Dong Dong"

As I retreated, I continued to smash the rocks in my hands.

After retreating to a far enough distance, I ordered the Knight King to stand at his original spot and continue to smash the rocks.

I quickly found a safe place and hid.

I knew that a battle between these two giant beasts was about to occur. Moreover, such a battle was definitely not something that a weak Necromancer like me could participate in.

The Swamp Python first looked at me, who was gradually retreating. However, it was quickly attracted by the Knight King who continued to throw rocks at it.

Moreover, after I hid, I didn't throw rocks at it anymore. So, it quickly focused all of its attention on the Knight King.

It sensed a threatening aura from the Knight King.

This was a hunting instinct inherent in a predator.

And it was this instinct that allowed it to grow from an ordinary small snake to what it was now, and grew to become the overlord of this swamp.

It felt waves of pain coming from its body from time to time. It knew that it was impossible for it to finish this meal peacefully.

It was being challenged...

Ever since it became the overlord of this swamp, it had experienced countless challenges.

Most of the opponents were very weak to it, but there were also some who made it feel very threatened like today.

But the result was obvious, they all failed. It was still the overlord and ruler of this swamp, controlling the life and death of all the animals in this swamp.

Therefore, it was never afraid of challenges!

At the thought of this, it slowly sank its body into the water.

The Knight King and I, who were standing on the shore, were stunned when we saw the Swamp Python sinking into the water.

The Knight King lost the target of his rock smashing rocks, becoming stunned on the spot. As for me, because I understood the habits of the Python, I quickly scanned the surface of the water, hoping to find the hidden Swamp Python through some movements.

One minute...

Five minutes...

Twenty-five minutes...

Unfortunately, nearly thirty minutes had passed, but the surface of the water was still as smooth as a mirror, without the slightest movement.

The long wait made both me and the Knight King somewhat anxious.

Could it be that the Swamp Python had given up?

Did it already run away?

It wasn't here anymore?

With this doubt, I let the Knight King slowly walk to the water's edge, wanting to see if the Swamp Python had really left.

However, just as the Knight King was about to walk to the water's edge, I suddenly remembered something.

When Pythons hunt, they are used to hiding under the water and observing their opponents. They can even hold their breath under the water for more than half an hour in order to have their opponents let their guards down.

Thinking of this, I hurriedly asked the Knight King to stop and immediately retreat.

However, just as I had given the order and the Knight King had stopped walking...

The flat and smooth mirror-like surface of the water broke.

There was a sudden ripple, which then turned into a huge splash.


Along with the sound of water, the Swamp Python rushed out of the water.

It opened its mouth wide, wanting to bite the Knight King standing on the shore and inject its venom onto its target.

But because the knight King had stopped, it just bit empty air.

The Swamp Python's distance estimation was very accurate, but it didn't expect the Knight King to suddenly stop.

I, who was watching from the side, was also shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

I thought, 'So close, so close.'

If it weren't for the fact that I suddenly remembered the information about the Python, I was afraid that I would have lost my undead again.

After that, I hurriedly began to command the Knight King to fight.

The Knight King saw that the Swamp Python's fangs were less than half a meter away from him. He immediately raised the weapon in his hand, the mace.

Then he swung the mace at the Swamp Python's head.



Along with the sound of the wind, the mace hit the Swamp Python's head like a baseball, making a muffled sound.

The Swamp Python was hit hard and fell to the ground. Stars even started to appear in its eyes.

However, after being a predator for so many years, it still reacted immediately.

"Hiss Hiss"

With a hiss, the Swamp Python suddenly spat out a green poisonous fog.

Soon, the poisonous fog spread from the ground.

"Chi Chi"

Just as I was about to let the Knight King continue his pursuit, I suddenly noticed that some hair on the Knight King's lower body, which belonged to the Wild Boar King, was starting to smoke.

"F * ck, this poisonous fog is actually corrosive!"

Looking at this situation, I immediately guessed the Swamp Python's plan.

After seeing that its sneak attack had failed, it wanted to use the poisonous fog to poison or stun its opponent.

It would then find an opportunity to sneak attack and bite its opponent, entering the rhythm it was most familiar with. Finally, it would use its strong muscles to strangle its opponent.

Seeing that the hair on the lower part of the Knight King's body was corroding more and more, I immediately ordered it to walk out of the poisonous fog.

When I had previously looked through the memories of [ Nolan Continent, Magical Animal Sightings ] in the memories of Regulus, I already knew that the poison of the Swamp Python was very strong.

However, I didn't expect the poison to be so strong that it even had a strong corrosive effect in the air.

The Knight King had only stood in the poisonous fog for a short while, but the Wild Boar King's lower body had already been corroded beyond recognition.

With such a strong poison, even if the Knight King was only my undead, he wouldn't need to breathe or be poisoned. I still allowed the Knight King to walk out of the poison fog.

Because if I stayed in this poison fog for too long, my undead would become useless.

I could only temporarily retreat.

However, I soon discovered another problem. The Swamp Python was hiding in the poison fog and didn't come out.

If it didn't come out, the Knight King wouldn't be able to enter either.

After about ten minutes, I discovered that the situation had reached a stalemate.


Just when I thought that the hunt would be a long one, a gust of wind blew over.

And I was pleasantly surprised to discover that after this gust of wind had blown over, the poisonous fog that the Swamp Python spat out had dissipated a lot.

The Swamp Python, which was originally completely invisible in the poisonous fog, could already be faintly seen.

Looking at the gradually dissipating poisonous fog, I suddenly thought of the Knight King's hands.

To be more precise, it was the hands of a Ghoul, a pair of hands that were like banana leaves.

It could completely be used as a fan to blow away the poisonous fog in front of me.

Thinking of this, I immediately ordered the Knight King to immediately close his large hands and fan toward the poisonous fog in front of him.

"Huff Huff"

The sound of the wind rang out, and the poisonous fog in front of me immediately dissipated with the naked eye.

"Hiss His"

When the Swamp Python saw that the poisonous fog had dissipated, it immediately increased the amount of poisonous fog it spat out.

Just like that, one spat out the poisonous fog and the other blew it away. After half an hour.

"Hiss Hiss"

The stock of poisonous fog in the Swamp Python's mouth was finally used up. After swallowing and spitting it out a few times, it didn't spit out any new poisonous fog. In fact, it was so short of breath that it was choking.

Seeing the Swamp Python enter this state, I knew that this was the best time to kill it.

Thus, I immediately ordered the Knight King to attack.

The Knight King raised the mace beside him and swung it forcefully.


The mace immediately flew out of his hand, hitting the Python's Head.

The Python was stunned by the sudden pain.

It began to roll on the ground.

The Knight King once again seized the opportunity and grabbed the tail from the body of the wriggling python.

After grabbing the tail, he immediately moved his limbs and began to drag it.

Just like that, the Knight King had grabbed the Python's tail and dragged it around the entire great swamp a few times, completely knocking the Python out.

The Knight King casually threw the Python away and picked up his weapon again.

Holding the mace in his hand, he looked at the Python on the ground, who was unable to regain its senses for a long time.

"Dong... Dong Dong... Dong Dong Dong..."

He smashed the Python's head violently.

After the Knight King hit it dozens of times, the Python's head was smashed to pieces.

Seeing that the hunt this time was successfully completed, I walked out of my hiding place.

Seeing the giant snake with its head crushed on the ground, I knew that I had obtained the core of the wand.

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