My Understanding Defies Heaven: I Create Laws and Preach In the Heavens

Chapter 109: Level 5 citizen, fourth shuttle

Chapter 109: Level 5 citizen, fourth shuttle

Chapter 109 Level 5 Citizen, the Fourth Shuttle

The virtual world of Chikun Main Star.

Central square area.

For any planet-level virtual world.

The central square area is always the place that attracts the most attention.

Because here stands a majestic and tall evolutionary list, which gathers the top 100 most powerful evolutionary paths born from more than a million living planets in this star field.

Even though the popularity of the arena area has greatly increased due to the arena competition, with the end of the arena competition, the central square area became lively again.

However, it was early that morning.

This person ranked 100th on the star domain level evolution list has quietly changed his evolution path.


Look, the evolution list has changed.

Immediately some evolvers noticed this and started to explode.

Although it is only one hundred at the bottom, you must know that this is the star field level evolution list. Every evolutionary path on the list is fought out from countless evolutionary paths.

The evolutionary paths that can be ranked in the top 100 of Chikun's evolution list, even the 100th, are the top six-level evolutionary paths, with the hope of advancing to the seventh-level evolutionary path.

The evolution path of martial arts? What evolution path is this?

Oh my god, this evolutionary path is just a fourth-order evolutionary path?

The fourth-order evolutionary path, surpassing a lot of sixth-order evolutionary paths, and entering the Chikun evolution list?

Countless people in the square were shocked.

The inclusion range of the Chikun Evolution List is the entire Chikun Star Territory.

So the ranking on the evolution list changes from time to time.

After all, facing such a large population base,

The probability of giving birth to a top-level sixth-level evolutionary path will also be greatly increased.

Its just that no matter how you change, even if you want to enter the top 100 of the evolution list, it should be the sixth level evolution path.

What the **** is the fourth-order evolutionary path?

It's like a group of students who have just been admitted to a higher education institution. Everyone is about eighteen or nineteen years old, about the same age.

Just suddenly, an eight or nine-year-old child appeared in the middle of the crowd, which made the other students feel a little embarrassed.

The evolution list is definitely correct. It has been reviewed many times by three goddesses. In other words, the comprehensive evaluation of this fourth-level evolutionary path is indeed better than those of the top sixth-level evolutionary paths.

Let me take a look.

Path of Martial Arts Evolution

Immediately, some people couldn't hold it anymore and began to retrieve more information on the evolution path of martial arts.

The birth planet of the Enwu Dao evolutionary path is Canglan Star, an ordinary medium-life planet in the Dawn Galaxy.

When the evolution path of Xiwu Dao first appeared, there was only one chapter, and then every half a year, the subsequent stages would be updated.

From the first level chapter to the current fourth level chapter, the martial arts evolution path has existed for no more than five years.

Also, the martial arts evolution path that is only the fourth-order evolutionary path actually has the possibility of being promoted to the seventh-order evolutionary path?

Boss, this must be the research result of a certain evolutionary scholar in our Human Alliance.

In the square, countless evolutionists and high-level citizens argued endlessly, but they all had a common point of view.

This is the founder who opened up this evolutionary path. He must be a high-ranking evolutionary scholar.

A common sense has to be spread here.

Generally speaking.

The founders who have opened up a certain evolutionary path are divided into two categories.

The first type is to open up while cultivating, that is, like Lin Yuan, the path of evolution will be opened up to whatever state you reach in your own cultivation.

Its just that such founders are extremely rare.

As for the second type, there are those great scholars who are already high-level evolvers, who are in a commanding position to develop and create new evolutionary pathways.

The latter is the mainstream among the founders of the evolutionary path in the Human Alliance.

After all, high-level evolvers have great advantages in creating new evolutionary pathways, both in terms of experience and efficiency.

For example, teachers in schools, even the most basic primary school teachers, have at least a university degree or even a doctoral degree from a graduate school.

It is easier to find and solve problems when you are in a high-level position.

It is precisely because of this common sense.

At this moment, most people in the square believe that the martial arts evolution path was created by a senior evolution scholar.

After all, the upload interval from the first level to the fourth level is too short.

And its extremely regular.

It is very much like those knowledgeable evolutionary scholars who regularly release their research results.

I want to see how this evolutionary path can crush those top sixth-order evolutionary paths just by relying on the first-order to fourth-order chapters.

Yes, I have purchased the entire article and am studying it carefully.

"I have finished reading it and decided to let my son practice this evolutionary path. After all, it is written by a great evolutionary scholar, and there will definitely be a follow-up."

The mainland manor in Canglan Star.

Lin Yuan is exploring the Founders Virtual World.

The founder's virtual world is divided into two modes.

One is the virtual world, which is similar to the virtual worlds of major planets.

However, if you want to enter the virtual world of founders, the prerequisite is that you are also a founder.

And the evolutionary path created has the possibility of promotion to the seventh level.

In addition, if what you create is not an evolutionary path, but other important research results, you can also enter the founder's virtual world as long as it meets the standards.

If you cannot meet the above requirements, you will not have permission to enter this world.

This results in very few founders in the virtual world.

Although there are many seventh-level evolutionary pathways of human civilization, most of its founders have died due to various reasons over the long years.

The number of living founders can be imagined.

And most of the founders are addicted to various types of research and are too lazy to hang out in the virtual world.

So there is the second model of the founders virtual world.

Forum mode.

This model is extremely primitive.

That is, every founder can express his or her opinions or questions on the forum.

For those who come after you to think or answer.

Lin Yuan spends most of his time browsing the forum mode.

After all, he has just entered the founder's virtual world and is still a newcomer.

"Too abstruse."

Lin Yuan looked at it for a while and was quite amazed.

The posts on the forum are all kinds of weird.

There is the possibility of traveling to a higher-dimensional world.

There is "How many ways are there for an eighth-level evolver to advance to a ninth-level evolver?"

There is "How to transplant the pinnacle bloodlines in the universe, such as Xinghai Youkun and other bloodlines, into the human race"

Lin Yuan looked around and felt that he was still too young. Compared with the founders who had lived for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years, he currently had no outstanding achievements.

"this problem."

Suddenly, Lin Yuan's expression paused.

Staying on a post.

The description of this post is very simple.

That is for high-level evolvers, whether it is better to comprehend one rule with all their strength, or to comprehend multiple rules at the same time.

Evolvers energy and time are limited.

Perception of one rule has the benefit of comprehending one rule, and comprehending multiple rules also has the benefit of comprehending multiple rules.

The former can comprehend a rule to a deeper level, while the latter may bring additional surprises when multiple rules collide.

Lin Yuan looked at the posts and answered below.

The earliest answer was 23,000 years ago.

Probably it means that it is better to understand one kind of rule.

There are also answers one after another later.

Some evolutionists believe that understanding multiple rules has broader prospects.

Over the next 20,000 years, from time to time someone would reply below and engage in argument with the previous one.

I can answer that.

Lin Yuan touched his chin, looked at it for a long time, and finally saw that he understood.

Thought carefully for a while.

Lin Yuan also replied below:

Perceive a certain rule, and then use it to control all things.

The Tai Chi method founded by Lin Yuan is based on this principle.

No matter what level Lin Yuan reaches in the future, his foundation will always be Tai Chi, which is the fusion of Tai Yin and Sun.

Beyond the basics, there is no upper limit to the means Lin Yuan masters.

Because Lin Yuan can understand various rules, and all the rules make up for the Tao of Tai Chi.

Tai Chi generates all things.

Taichi controls all the ways. I continued browsing for a while.

Lin Yuan then withdrew from the founders virtual world.


How many copies of the fourth-level chapter have been sold?

Lin Yuan glanced at the share situation and found that in just a few hours, nearly a hundred copies of the fourth level chapter he had just uploaded had been sold.

To know.

Lin Yuan priced the fourth-level chapter at 50 million civilization coins.

The various stages of the current martial arts evolution path

First-order chapter: ten thousand.

Level 2: five hundred thousand.

Level 3: five million.

Level 4: 50 million.

50 million or so.

Definitely more.

This is wealth that ordinary citizens can only look up to.

But for evolvers, it can still be taken out.

In human civilization, evolvers practice the path of evolution in stages.

For example, a first-level evolver will only temporarily purchase the first-level chapter of the evolutionary path.

As for the second-level chapter, you will not consider purchasing it until you reach the first-level and twelve levels.

The fourth level chapter of the martial arts evolution path is applicable by default to those evolvers who have practiced the martial arts evolution path to the third stage and twelve stages.

It is not difficult for a third-level extreme evolver to come up with 50 million.

Its just that now, the cultivation situation of the martial arts evolution path is not even at the third level, let alone the third level and the twelfth level.

It should be the exposure effect of the star field level evolution list.

The current evolution path of martial arts

Lin Yuan glanced at the number of practitioners in the current martial arts evolution path.

First level chapter: twenty-six thousand, seven hundred and eighty-three people.

Second level chapter: three hundred and ninety-four people.

Third Order Chapter: Zero.


Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

When the third level chapter was uploaded, no one had yet reached the second level.

In the past half year alone, nearly 400 people have entered the second level.

Lin Yuan speculated that this may be due to the further spread of the evolutionary path of martial arts. Those citizens who practice the evolutionary path of martial arts have good conditions, so they practice so quickly.

Although the evolution path of martial arts does not rely much on external resources and environment.

But that means that even if you dont have good resources and a good environment, you can still practice this evolutionary path.

If more resources are used, the progress of martial arts training will definitely be accelerated.

One hundred thousand merit points can raise the citizen level to level five.

Lin Yuan glanced at his achievements.

One hundred and forty-nine thousand merit points.

As for a fourth-level citizen to be promoted to a fifth-level citizen, the merit points required are 50,000.


Lin Yuan did not hesitate and directly chose to be promoted.

After a few breaths.

Lin Yuan was successfully promoted to level five citizen.

Compared with fourth-level citizens, fifth-level citizens have more privileges.

Including the ability to mobilize a battleship group to protect one's own safety.

Battleship group?

Lin Yuan looked at the many extra rights he had.

As long as Lin Yuan is willing now, he can mobilize a battleship group from the main star of the Dawn Galaxy at any time and station it outside Canglan Star for a long time to protect him.

"never mind."

It doesnt make any sense.

Lin Yuan thought for a while and decided not to use this authority.

Now he has the personal protection of sixth-order evolvers and twelve fifth-order evolvers, as well as three protection cards given by the Star Lord.

It doesn't make much sense to let the battleship group come over again.

And its easy to attract other peoples attention.

After all, the movement of the battleship group was much louder than when Hou Ming and others came over.

Can't even hide it even if I want to.

time flies.

Ten days later.

Lin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes.

The fourth shuttle is ready.

Lin Yuan felt slightly excited.

At this time, in the back of my mind, the majestic light door, the outer area has been completely lit up.

This means that Lin Yuan can make the fourth shuttle at any time.

Try again.

Lin Yuans mind gathered in front of the light door, and at the same time, he separated a trace of his mind and merged outside the light door.

This move will allow Lin Yuan to know in advance the general information about the world he is traveling through.

When traveling for the third time, Lin Yuan used this method to learn in advance that the world he was traveling through was related to "war".

And there are also details such as the approximate world flow speed for traveling through the world.

After a moment.

The traces of intention and mind that Lin Yuan dispersed entered the light door.


This piece of mind came to a vast world.

This world is about ten times the size of the Divine Weapon World. Looking from a distance, it is divided into five continents, each of which is the size of dozens of Canglan stars.



Faintly, Lin Yuan felt the boundless war and disaster in this world.

The next moment.

This trace of mind turned into powder.

The outside world.

Lin Yuan looked lost in thought.

Through the brief contact just now, Lin Yuan received some information about the upcoming journey through the world.

The first thing is the dwell time.

Lin Yuans stay during this time travel was two hundred years.

The second is the speed of time. In the two hundred years of traveling through the world, half a month will have passed in the main world.

two hundred years

The residence time of this shuttle is longer than that of the Divine Soldier, but compared with the previous shuttle worlds, the increase is lower.



Lin Yuan thought of the breath he felt just now.


Lin Yuan informed Hou Ming, the captain of the sixth-level guard team, that he would be in seclusion for half a month and not to be disturbed by anyone during this period.

He came to the nutrition warehouse.

These three tokens

Lin Yuan placed the three guarantee orders close to his body and lay down in the nutrition compartment.

Soon, my mind came to the back of my mind again.

New world, here I come.

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and made sure that nothing else was missing. With a slight movement of his mind, the Gate of All Realms emitted some kind of suction, sucking all his mind into the gate.

This volume ends.

The next volume will start tomorrow.

Finally, Im asking for a monthly ticket~~~

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