Chapter 8: The details of their mutual betrayal - Part 2
8 The details of their mutual betrayal - Part 2
Anna Jones looked at Hou Yi and realised that there was more to the story than simply Lu Jinhu's betrayal of her.Hou Yi was also targeted by their actions.
"I run the family business.My Father and Grandfather have been pressuring me for some time to get married, even though I am only 29 years old.They both had married for love, rather than having an arranged marriage, and that is what I wanted.My grandfather walked into a shop and saw my grandmother who was a shop assistant, and they fell in love.He took her away from this and wrapped her in the luxury he could provide her, until she died when I was 8 years old from cancer.My mother was the daughter of a rich family's housekeeper.My father was at the house for a meeting, that he really did not want to attend, but had to, and saw the women of the household bullying my mother.He stepped in to stop the bullying and fell in love with her.I wanted to have the same opportunity, but my father and grandfather had decided that I had been given enough time to find the right person to marry and issued a deadline that I had to be married by today and present my bride to them by tonight.The sting was that if I failed, they would sell the family business to the Lu's for almost nothing.They knew that I would comply, as there was no way that I would see the Lu's gain the family business.Yang Lin and her parents were family friends, and as the deadline got closer, as she was not able to marry the person she loved, we agreed to, for want of a better phrase, an arranged marriage, as she said that she wanted to help me out.While we were willing to give our marriage a chance of success, we had agreed that if it was not working we would divorce in the future.Despite today being the deadline, today was the day that worked for us, despite that we reached our agreement a couple of months ago, as she had said all the way along, if I found someone I loved before today she would walk away and let me marry that person.I did not, but it simply appears that she never intended to go through with marriage, she was simply stringing me along like Lu Jinhu did to you, but for me it is too late to do anything to prevent the Lu's getting control over Hou Enterprises, given the deadline."
"What!" a shocked Anna stated, getting louder.
"I'm guessing that the plan, for a long time, has been to achieve certain goals, and Yang Lin and Lu Jinhu planned to ruin both of us today.I am guessing that this plan has been in place for a while."
Anna simply could not believe what she was hearing.She thought that she was the only target today of Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin, but it turns out that she was not.There appears that there is a much wider plan in place by Lu Jinhu, Yang Lin and their families.They were out to take what they could and ruin as many lives as possible.She was targeted, as was Hou Yi and his family.It was all about money, and this made her wonder was there anyone else impacted by today's acts by them.How she wished that she could do something to not only get her revenge, but help Hou Yi, but she figured that this was impossible, as she could not step in an marry him, as it required paperwork from the Australian Embassy to enable a marriage.
"My only worry is if I don't stop Lu Jinhu and his family, then all the employees of the family company will lose their jobs for no reason other than revenge against my family.I do not know what I can do now to stop it", continued Hou Yi, "There is little time, and the deadline is tonight.I have no options, and I need to think."With that he stood up, to turned slightly away from Anna, but did not leave.
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